Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book 7 - Fools Rush In

This is the first Christian fiction book I've ever read. To be honest, I didn't even know there's such thing as Christian romance book before I stumbled on this one.

To sum up, I would definitely recommend this book for my daughter to read when she's past her Sweet Valley book series (are they still around, btw?).

The book is light, funny and ... surreal.

An Italian American girl recently took over her family's business of Wedding Organizer, and through a divine intervention, met a cowboy. A tall, handsome, sensitive, respectful, parents-loving, God-fearing, and almost physically perfect Cowboy.

Almost too good to be true? That's exactly the problem. I don't mind a little bit of preaching here and there about faith and God, I really don't. But it seems everything was just SO made up in this book. "The problems" that the heroine faced seem to be only in her head. Small problem were written here and there and made to seem like they're huge deal, i suppose so they fill up the pages, and there were times when I just want to tell her to snap out of it already! Also, there were too many coincidences that conveniently resulting in these "problems" resolving themselves. Which, we are to assume, it's the Divine intervention, aka God.

Like I said, had I been sixteen and reading this, I would like it very much. But I'm not sixteen, and as a near-thirty years old woman myself, I don't believe this is how the world seems to be for someone my age. If it did, then God must have a favorite child...

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