Monday, January 24, 2011

Book 8 - A Taste of Magic

This book is fun to read; in short, it can be summed up as the famous old saying, "Be Careful What You Wished For"

Things were not looking good for Elizabeth at the beginning of the story. It was a couple of days before her thirty-fifth birthday, she had been divorced for a year, the business she co-owned, a bakery called A Taste of Magic, was not doing well, and to add insult to injury, she had inadvertently accepted a job to bake a wedding cake for his ex husband and his former-mistress-turn-wife.

As an icing on the cake gone bad, she learned that her replacement was pregnant, while during ten years of her marriage to him, her husband had refused to start a family with her.

So despite her loving family and supportive friends, no one could blame her when she wished her ex-husband a temporary impotency during his honeymoon while she, ever the professional, baked him the cake. I would not have blinked an eye if she had done something much worse, but she did mention that she would not want to go to jail. Sensible girl.

Of course, she then learned that she had inherited magical ability from her maternal grandmother, and that her wish had come true.

So, she went on a baking spree to put her new-found abilities to good use for her friends, family, and herself. At least, she thought so, until she realized that casting spell was a bit trickier and her granted wishes had unpredictable consequences.

I would give 3 out of 5 rating for this one, simply because I like the character. She's unpretentious and honest, but not without flaws. The book also gave sufficient introductions to characters that would be the hero/heroines for the next books in this series. However, having said that, it did not give a lasting impression. It's not that funny, it's not overly dramatic, it's not that serious. It's basically an okay book, quite enjoyable while you flipped the pages, but once you're done, or at least once I'm done, I'm done. It's that forgettable.

But on the bright side, this one cost $0.99 on kindle, so go ahead and get this one ...

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